Don't Stop the Dance

Fridays. Weekend. Dancing. Letting go. Having fun. Doing something wierd. Being something beautiful. Getting down. Revving up. Loving dancing with who I'm with.

That's what I want. That's why we're doing Fridays. Not all Fridays, but, whenever possible, The First Friday of the Month. This is an experiment. You bring ideas, I bring ideas, I bring a playlist and a few moves, we take off our shoes and we dance. Maybe sometimes we all bring masks. Maybe sometimes we all bring top-hats. What we always bring is our bodies, our love of life and the thrill we feel in being with others.

Our first Friday is on November 4th. A Halloween Spin-off, with Magic as our theme. In December, GLOW. The list goes on... and all will be published under Playshops as the themes take shape.

Keep yourself informed, write to me with ideas, wishes and desires. And most importantly, come with you yourself and with the people you love to dance with.