Fitness, fine. Anything else in it for me?

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2019! Greetings to all friends, old and new. It’s still January - late, but not too late, to share the New Year’s playlist I created for your inspiration. In dancing to it, I though of how our eyes build paths and connections.

This leads to my personal focus of the year: To share more with you in this blog. You will see more links to videos and music, as well as a series of written explorations on the subject of movement, personal well-being and daily success.

  • Playlists. The link above is the first of many that I intend to share with you. Not everybody wants to jump on the Spotify bandwagon, which is where I create many of my playlists. So I will be attempting to recreate playlists on Youtube as well for more general access.

  • Videos. I hope to share glimpses into Nia classes and illustrating thoughts on the subject of movement through short videos. (The first is up on our Courses page.)

  • Topics in the Nia practice. I wish to communicate some important aspects surrounding the movement practice of Nia. That means that I’ll be blogging more than in the past! I’ll write to you on Nia’s “Energy Allies” based on the work of Don Miguel Ruiz; discussing basic subjects such as the movement forms, types of conditioning, and organization of the physical body; and talking about various benefits and considerations in the practice of Nia.

  • Movement as a tool in our everyday strivings. I have decided to utilize this blog for the exploration of subjects that interface with our everyday lives. This area is a particular passion of mine. The reason I teach Nia is not to produce top dancers. It is to introduce entry points to personal transformation. Do the elements of a Nia class have the potential to influence parts of our lives outside of fitness on the physical level? In which way? And how can I access an element of movement to make it useful to myself in my habits, thoughts or emotions?

To expand on this last point, I would like to take the metaphor of the lungs: In our breathing interaction with the world, we sometimes only use the tip of our lungs, with lots of old air taking space. How can we expand our lung capacity and find harmonious balance?

A Nia class is about building skills and awareness physically, emotionally, and mentally, within a varying musical and choreographic environment. Aside from the obvious benefit of developing strength, flexibility, mobility, agility and stability (and of having fun!), the questions that beg answer are those posed above: Do the elements of a Nia class have the potential to influence other parts of our lives? In which way? And, more precisely, how can I access an element of movement and make it useful to myself, for my emotional well-being, and for my success on my path as an individual in the intricate network of human life?

A Nia class is a flow of movement, energy and presence. It goes without saying that the studio is not the place philosophize on the questions above. That’s why I’ll be opening the forum on some of these topics in the written word, here in this blog. I look forward to sharing and discussing them with you.

All best wishes to you in 2019,

Joining Together to Offer You More

I didn't experience the Nia "kick" the first few times I took classes. But then I did. And then I felt inspired, fantastic in my body, and ready to move and to activate all kinds of sleeping parts of my life. I wanted to keep on going to Nia class to keep happy and in action achieving my daily goals.

Nia brings renewal. It is not only a gratifying physical workout but also nourishment on the emotional and physical levels. With Nia you can restart your system. That is why it has been my goal as a Nia teacher to offer my students enough classes that they can reboot as often as they want - at least every couple days. 

This will soon become a reality. In June, MCE Studio will be moving to a new space not far from its present location by Ahrensburg Bahnhof. With more studio spaces, I have the opportunity to offer more classes.

And a new development has made it possible to not only offer you more classes, but to offer you renewal through a very different form of holistic movement as well. In September, my colleague Simone Deppe will join me to teach yoga, the natural complement to Nia. Together we will hold six weekly classes from Monday to Friday. This is a thrilling development for me. I very much look forward to working with Simone and reaping the benefits of yoga. I know that this development will deepen and enhance the practice of many participants.

Here are the courses planned to start in September.

Mondays 16.45 - 17.45   Nia Technique
Tuesdays 18.30 - 19.30   Nia Move I.T.
Wednesdays 8 - 9   Nia Technique
Wednesdays 17.45 - 19   Yoga
Thursdays 19.30 - 20.30   Nia Technique
Fridays 17.30 - 18.30   Nia/Yoga (1.+2. Freitag im Monat Nia, 3.+ 4. Freitag im Monat Yoga)

Everyone who has purchased classes through Nia Andrea can take part in any of the courses listed above.

We are presently planning several workshops and introductions to offer you a sense of what will come in our new classes. I'll keep you posted!



Nia Clothing

Clothing affects the way you move. Swishy pants encourage beautiful, round, smooth movements. A skirt that moves around your thighs will help you sense your hips. A top that complements your form and coloring brings out the beauty that is yours and yours only, and will give you more joy in individual expression. This is just what you want when it comes to dancing.

Here's a list of producers of Nia-wear in case any of you want to buy some pants, skirts or tops that enhance your movement and your beauty.

The first-stop shop for Germans and many others: Nipala. German design and made in Germany. They have a store in Eppendorf and are online. My experience is that the clothes last and last and last -- and that they feel great the whole time. The fabric is top quality, holds you well, colors are beautiful and they mix and match. Sizing is consistent. Any money you spend on Nipala is money well-spent.

Other online options are:

Soul of Jiva.
Swedish design made in China, offering great design and colors. Teams up well with Nipala. My experience has not been 100% positive with the line made out of lighter, shinier fabric. But the quality of the heavier fabric is very high and recommendable just as Nipala is. Also, like Nipala, Soul of Jiva has consistent sizing and and the owner Jonna offers good advice. So once you know what your size is, you can count on consistency.
Soul of Jiva offers free delivery but if you need to return anything, then you pay for the cost of shipping back to Sweden.

Some interesting American manufacturers:

Autumn Teneyl
Also offers very nice colorful fabrics and is also very p.c., meaning recycled and made in Colorado. Some of their pieces are really the spice that I love in my Nia wardrobe! (Think healthy, sexy cowgirl.) Sizing in pants can be tricky though. You have to pay for shipping.

Queen of Hearts
My experience: Beautiful designs (think fine-lined biker goddess). The fabric is very comfortable, light and cottony, but it doesn't stand up to stress like Nipala does.

Dervish Clothing
P.c., daring. Works with feninine curves. Nice fabric with high cotton content. I have one piece and my experience is that it doesn't hold its shape so, so well, but it is made of extremely comfortable fabric.

Another American company (no personal experience with them):

Foat Design
Politically correct yogawear- check out the pants! ;-)

... and last but not least, Israeli:

Body Talk
I've seen some Nia teachers wear these items day-in, day-out. So they must be okay! And there are some nice lines there! Prices are good, too. This is definitely a go-to address!


Don't Stop the Dance

Fridays. Weekend. Dancing. Letting go. Having fun. Doing something wierd. Being something beautiful. Getting down. Revving up. Loving dancing with who I'm with.

That's what I want. That's why we're doing Fridays. Not all Fridays, but, whenever possible, The First Friday of the Month. This is an experiment. You bring ideas, I bring ideas, I bring a playlist and a few moves, we take off our shoes and we dance. Maybe sometimes we all bring masks. Maybe sometimes we all bring top-hats. What we always bring is our bodies, our love of life and the thrill we feel in being with others.

Our first Friday is on November 4th. A Halloween Spin-off, with Magic as our theme. In December, GLOW. The list goes on... and all will be published under Playshops as the themes take shape.

Keep yourself informed, write to me with ideas, wishes and desires. And most importantly, come with you yourself and with the people you love to dance with.

Nia - Wäre das was für mich?

"Nia? Nie gehört. Wäre das was für mich?" Um diese zu beantworten gibt's seit dem Sommer immer wieder mal Schnuppermöglichkeiten. Zum einen, anderthalb stundigen Einführungen, die Einblicke in den Hauptkomponenten einer typische Niastunde, den Prinzipien, und die Praxis bieten, sowie eine anschliessende klassische Niastunde. Zum anderen, vier- bis achtwöchigen Schnupperkurse wo wir mit den Grund-Nia-Moves entspannt spielen und die wichtigste Prinzipien kennenlernen.

Schnupperabenden haben schon zweimal im Sommer stattgefunden. In 2016 findet ein weiterer Abend statt (wird unter Playshops bekannt gegeben).

Seit 21. September findet die erste, achtwöchige "Schnupperkurs" statt. Der nächste Kurs dieser Art fängt im März 2017 an (wird unter Classes bekannt gegeben).